Saturday, August 6, 2011

How do you avoid Parisians?

Come to Paris in August.

This month is when most French people take their "summer vacations," and the French really know how to vacation.  In fact, most employers require 3-4 weeks of vacation in the summer, with at least 2 of them being consecutive.  Right now, there are about 5 people left in my lab.  One of my advisors is on holidays for 5 weeks.  Even the paraplegic who begs for money near my lab, and who I have seen everyday since I have started working regardless of rain or snow or sun, has not been around since the 1st of August.

Why would you want to avoid Parisians in the first place?  Maybe to avoid Paris Syndrome, as described in this BBC article.

Quiet streets and quiet metros.  It is quite nice.  Although, there are still MANY people (and very long lines) in the touristy areas of Paris.

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