Sunday, September 11, 2011

Congratulations Megan and Will!

This post has nothing to do with my life in Paris... but two of my favorite people just got married this weekend, and I wanted to congratulate them since I couldn't be there in person.  The drawback to living in Paris: I can't take a weekend trip to the US.

The first time I hung out with Megan, she threw mud at my face.  And after I first met Will, he started singing Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" at the top of his lungs for no apparent reason and then claimed that I was a "nougat."  I really couldn't ask for better friends.

But in all seriousness... Megan and Will: You guys rock!  I wish you nothing but happiness :)

Will, Megan, and I as Pacman, Clyde ("stupid ghost"), and Inky ("fickle ghost").
Thanks Dana, for the picture!